
Business Trips in Style: 4 Must Haves for Your Airport Outfit

I love a chic but comfy airport outfit for your work trip. Looking and feeling good while traveling for work does not have to be an arduous task. However, I do think that when traveling for work, whether it’s with coworkers or on your own, an elevated airport outfit is the way to go.  Check out my essential pieces that can help you build a chic airport outfit for business travel.  Also, if you’re looking to upgrade how you travel while making your trips more seamless, check out my article about my 5 essential items that you need when traveling for work HERE

1. Sweater Blazer

A sweater blazer is perfect because it’s structured and professional, but COMFORTABLE. That is the key, comfort. When traveling for work we want to achieve comfort and professionalism in your airport outfit and a sweater blazer accomplishes just that. 


2. Satin Pieces

I scream satin whenever comfort is prioritized in an outfit because it’s so breathable and easy to get around it. Satin pieces whether it’s your top or bottom feels so so good, and is perfect to create an elevated chic look for the airport. 

3. Comfortable Shoes

Now, comfortable shoes go without saying, they’re critical to getting around and feeling good in your airport outfit! These Sam Edelman ones are a good combo between flats and sneakers and definitely give you that elevated footwear look and can be worn with various outfits.  I’ve also included a few others as well. 

4. Poncho/Travel Scarf

A poncho is perfect for your airport outfit, because it’s a so so comfy and it’s essentially a wearable blanket that’s acceptable to have on in public. I love these ones here because of the versatility, comfort, and reasonable price point.

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Meet the founder behind Corporate Curly – a brand crafted with love to uplift the modern working woman through natural hair care, workwear inspiration, and career guidance. This journey isn't just about business; it's about pouring my heart into empowering women like you to embrace their authenticity and thrive in every aspect of their professional lives.


